Taxon Name and Rank Vocabulary txn_nomen This is an ontology for labeling and linking data sets consisting of taxonomic names and ranks. It attempts to link together related vocabularies where appropriate. 2011-12-13 2012-02-29 0.37 Version 0.36 A early beta version. Recently updated to follow Mondeca Recommendations in vocabulary design. Added Parvclass and Magnorder yearDescribed The year that the species was originally described testing yearBorn The year that a person was born testing yearDied The year that a person was born testing yearPub The year that document was pub testing pubYearOf The year that document was pub testing original First Author The URI to the original first author of the description testing original First Author Of The URI to the original first author of the description testing relatedName The URI to the Orthochresonym Name String testing relatedNameOf The URI to the Orthochresonym Name String testing taxon Name links to the string form of a taxon name testing accepted Scientific Name links to the string form of an accepted scientific taxon name testing alt Scientific Name links to the string form of an alternative accepted scientific taxon name testing Links to the the string form of a ScientificName scientific name testing Scientific name with Author Links to the the string form of a taxon name with an authority string testing Scientific Authority (Author) Links to the the string form of a taxonomic authority testing accepted Scientific Name with authorship links to the string form of an accepted scientific taxon name with the authorship string testing accepted Scientific Name with authorship inks to the string form of an alternative scientific taxon name with the authorship string testing original Scientific Name links to the string form of an original scientific Taxon name (basionym) testing original Scientific Name with authorship links to the string form of an original Taxon name (basionym) with authorship testing Common Name Links to the the string form of a common name testing Synonym Name Links to the the string form of a synonym name testing Synonym Name Author Links to the the string form of a synonym name testing taxonNameID links to the URI form of a Taxon name testing acceptedScientificNameID links to the URI ( ) form of the accepted Taxon name testing alternativeAcceptedNameID links to the URI ( ) form of an alternative accepted Taxon name testing origScientificNameID links to the URI ( ) form of the accepted Taxon name testing synonym name ID links to the URI ( ) form of synonym Taxon name testing narrowerRank testing broaderRank testing narrowerTaxon testing broaderTaxon testing taxonRank Links to the string form of a Taxonomic Rank as a URI testing inKingdom Links to the URI for a Biological Kingdom testing inPhylum Links to the URI for a Biological Phylum testing inClass Links to the URI for a Biological Class testing inSubclass Links to the URI for a Biological Subclass testing inInfraclass Links to the URI for a Biological Infraclass testing inSuperorder Links to the URI for a Biological Superorder testing inOrder Links to the URI for a Biological Order testing inSuborder Links to the URI for a Biological Suborder testing inSuperfamily Links to the URI for a Biological Superfamily testing inFamily Links to the URI for a Biological Family testing inSubfamily Links to the URI for a Subfamily testing inTribe Links to the URI for a Tribe testing inGenus Links to the URI for a Genus testing Domain Name Links to the the string form of a Subdomain Name testing Subdomain Name Links to the the string form of a Subdomain Name testing superkingdom name Links to the the string form of a superkingdomName testing kingdom name Links to the the string form of a kingdomName testing subkingdom name Links to the the string form of a subkingdomName testing superphylum name Used to specify the name of a phylum as part of a Taxon Name testing phylum name Links to the the string form of a phylum or division name testing subphylum name Links to the the string form of subphylumName testing class name Links to the the string form of className testing subclass name Links to the the string form of subclassName testing infraclass name Links to the the string form of infraclassName testing superorder name Links to the the string form of superorderName testing order name Links to the the string form of orderName testing suborder name Links to the the string form of suborderName testing infraorder name Links to the the string form of infraorderName testing parvorder name Links to the the string form of parvorderName testing superfamily name Links to the the string form of superfamilyName testing family name Links to the the string form of familyName testing subfamily name Links to the the string form of subfamilyName testing tribe name Links to the the string form of tribeName testing genus name Links to the the string form of genusName testing subgenus name Links to the the string form of subgenusName testing species name Links to the the string form of species or epithet name testing subspecies name Links to the the string form of subspecies or subspecific epithet name testing binomial Links to the the string form of the binomial name testing trinomial Links to the the string form of the trinomial name testing TaxonName A name of a taxon testing ScientificName The scientific name of a taxon without the authorship string e.g. "Puma concolor", "Felidae" testing ScientificNameWithAuthorship The scientific name of a taxon with the authorship string e.g. "Puma concolor (Linnaeus 1771)", "Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758" testing SurrogateName The surrogate name of a taxon e.g. "Aedes sp 2495" testing CommonName The common or vernacular name for a Taxon e.g. "Mountain Lion"@en testing TaxonRank A rank of a taxon testing Taxon The class for a taxon as opposed to a taxon name testing TaxonNameID The URI for a given taxon name, typically a URI ScientificNameID The URI for a given scientific name, typically a URI ScientificNameWithAuthorID The URI for a given scientific name, typically a URI SurrogateNameID The URI for a given surrogate name, typically a URI CommonNameID The URI for a given common or vernacular name, typically a URI Authorship String The Authority String or Authorship string i.e. (L. 1785) Authorship String ID The URI version of an authority string or authorship string i.e. (L. 1785) Year Class for the Concept Year Taxonomist Class for a Taxonomist a dbpedia_owl:Scientist and foaf:Person testing Rank Class testing Rank Family testing Rank Forma testing Rank Genus testing Rank Infraclass testing Rank Infraorder testing Rank Kingdom testing Rank Species testing Rank Species testing Rank Species Group testing Rank Species Subgroup testing Rank Subclass testing Rank Subfamily testing Rank Subgenus testing Rank Subkingdom testing Rank Parvclass testing Rank Magnorder testing Rank Parvorder testing Rank Phylum testing Rank Suborder testing Rank Subphylum testing Rank Subspecies testing Rank Subtribe testing Rank Superclass testing Rank Superfamily testing Rank Superkingdom testing Rank Superorder testing Rank Superphylum testing Rank Tribe testing Rank Varietas testing Habitat testing