]> classification 1.1 added rdfs:isDefinedBy for all named entities Created by Valentina Presutti It is possible to make asser tions about e.g., categories, types, roles, which are typically considered at the meta-level of an ontology. Instances of Concept reify such elements, which are therefore put in the ordinary domain of an ontology. It is not possible to parametrize the classification over different dimensions e.g., time, space, etc. Mac OSX 10.5 is classified as an an operating system in the Fujitsu-Siemens product catalog. The classification content ontology design pattern. This CP represents the realtions between concepts e.g., roles, task, and entities to which concepts are assigned to e.g., person, activities. The CP is extracted form DOLCE Ultra Lite ontology. To represent the relations between concepts (roles, task, parameters) and entities (person, events, values), which concepts can be assigned to. To formalize the application (e.g. tagging) of informal knowledge organization systems such as lexica, thesauri, subject directories, folksonomies, etc., where concepts are first-order elements. Typically combined with descriptionandsituation. It is specialized by cat:objectrole. The n-ary classification CP provides an alternative to this if classification has to be qualified over different dimensions. What concept is assigned to this entity? Which category does this entity belong to? http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl classifies classifica A relation between a Concept and an Entity, e.g. the Role 'student' classifies a Person 'John'. is classified by è classificato da A relation between a Concept and an Entity, e.g. 'John is considered a typical rude man'; your last concert constitutes the achievement of a lifetime; '20-year-old means she's mature enough'. Concept Concetto A concept is a Social Object. The classifies relation relates concepts to entities at some time, but time can only be expressed in the alternative pattern: timeindexedclassification.