]> 1.1 added rdfs:isDefinedBy for all named entities Created by Valentina Presutti The Description and Situation content ontology design pattern. This CP represents conceptualizations i.e., descriptions, and corresponding groundings i.e., situations. The pattern is extracted from DOLCE+DnS Ultralite by partial cloning of elements, and is composed of three other CPs: description, situation, and classification. http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/classification.owl http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/description.owl http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/situation.owl http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl describes descrive The relation between a Description and an Entity : a Description gives a unity to a Collection of parts (the components), or constituents, by assigning a Role to each of them in the context of a whole Object (the system). A same Entity can be given different descriptions, for example, an old cradle can be given a unifying Description based on the original aesthetic design, the functionality it was built for, or a new aesthetic functionality in which it can be used as a flower pot. is described by è descritto da The relation between any Thing and a Description: a Description gives a unity to a Collection of parts (the components), or constituents, by assigning a Role to each of them in the context of a whole Object (the system). A same Thing can be given different descriptions, for example, an old cradle can be given a unifying Description based on the original aesthetic design, the functionality it was built for, or a new aesthetic functionality in which it can be used as a flower pot. is satisfied by è soddisfatta da A relation between a Situation and a Description, e.g. the execution of a Plan satisfies that plan. satisfies soddisfa A relation between a Situation and a Description, e.g. the execution of a Plan satisfies that plan. 1 1