]> participation 1.1 - Improved annotation 1.0 - Created by Aldo Gangemi and Valentina Presutti 1.1 added rdfs:isDefinedBy for all named entities Aldo Gangemi participated in the premiere of La Dolce Vita. Co-participation allows to model the relation between two objects that par ticipate in a same event (implicitly); n-ary participation allows to model par ticipation over different dimensions e.g., temporal, spatial, etc., as well as explicitly relate more than one object to the same event; object role, n-ary classification are examples of CPs that can be composed with this CP. It is possible to model whatever relation between objects and events. Using cardinality restrictions appropriately allows to limit the number of participants, e.g. 'life of' is a specialization of this pattern that requires a functional object property (cardinality 1. . .1). This is a non-temporal version of the particpation relation. If we need a time-indexed relation, use http://ontologydesignpatterns.owl/cp/owl/timeindexedparticipation.owl The basic participation pattern, without temporal indexing. It clones equivalent elements from DOLCE-UltraLite. Time indexed participation To represent participation of an object in an event. Which objects do participate in this event? Which events do this object participate in? http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl has participant is participant in Event Any physical, social, or mental process, event, or state. Object Any physical, social, or mental object, or substance