]> situation 1.1 added rdfs:isDefinedBy for all named entities Aldo Gangemi Created by Aldo Gangemi and Valentina Presutti The lecture was held in January 1921 by Bela Fleck, with some physicians in the audience making questions, in a very relaxed athmosphere. To represent contexts or situations, and the things that are contextualized. We can contextualize things that have something in common, or are associated: a same place, time, view, causal link, systemic dependence, etc. We can also reify n-ary relations as situations. What is the context or situation of something? What are the things present in this context or situation? http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl has setting A relation between entities and situations, e.g. 'this morning I've prepared my coffee with a new fantastic Arabica' (i.e.: (an amount of) a new fantastic Arabica hasSetting the preparation of my coffee this morning). is setting for Situation 1 A view on a set of entities. It can be seen as a 'relational context', reifying a relation. For example, a PlanExecution is a context including some actions executed by agents according to certain parameters and expected tasks to be achieved from a Plan; a DiagnosedSituation is a context of observed entities that is interpreted on the basis of a Diagnosis, etc. Situation is also able to represent reified n-ary relations, where isSettingFor is the top-level relation for all binary projections of the n-ary relation. If used in a transformation pattern for n-ary relations, the designer should take care of: - creating only one situation for each instance of an n-ary relation, otherwise the 'identification constraint' (Calvanese et al., IJCAI 2001) could be violated - adding an 'exact cardinality' restriction corresponding to the arity of the n-ary relation, otherwise the designer would actually represent a polymorphic relation.