Created with TopBraid Composer A mapping property between a WordNet synset and a D0+DUL class. has d0+dul top mapping A mapping property between a DUL class and a either a D0 or DUL top class. has D0+DUL top A mapping property between a WordNet synset and a DUL class. has dul mapping A shortcut property between a WordNet concept synset and its maximal hypernym that has been aligned to DUL. has maximal hypernym A shortcut property between a WordNet instance synset and its maximal hypernym that has been aligned to DUL. instance has maximal hypernym A shortcut property between a WordNet instance synset and its proximal concept hypernym. instance has proximal hypernym A shortcut property between a WordNet synset and its proximal hypernym. has proximal hypernym A synset that has an instanceOf relation to another synset (some of them are instanceOf other instance synsets, so creating spurious transitive chains of instanceOf (this looks like an error in WordNet, and measures have been taken to fix this in OWN). instance synset A most general synset that has a direct mapping to a DUL class (currently such synsets are 859). top mapping synset