rdf http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# owl http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl# dash http://datashapes.org/dash# DASH Data Shapes Vocabulary xsd http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema# dcterms http://purl.org/dc/terms/ DASH is a SHACL library for frequently needed features and design patterns. The constraint components in this library are 100% standards compliant and will work on any engine that fully supports SHACL. rdfs http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# skos http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core# true Suggestion result Class of results that have been produced as suggestions, not through SHACL validation. How the actual results are produced is up to implementers. Each instance of this class should have values for sh:focusNode, sh:resultMessage, sh:resultSeverity (suggested default: sh:Info), and dash:suggestion to point at one or more suggestions. Graph update A suggestion consisting of added and/or deleted triples, represented as rdf:Statements via dash:addedTriple and dash:deletedTriple. Test case result Base class for results produced by running test cases. true true SPARQL SELECT template Encapsulates a SPARQL SELECT query that can be parameterized. Parameters will become pre-bound variables in the query. Success result A result representing a successfully validated constraint. Success test case result Represents a successful run of a test case. Script An executable unit implemented in one or more languages such as JavaScript. Shape script A shape script contains extra code that gets injected into the API for the associated node shape. In particular you can use this to define additional functions that operate on the current focus node (the this variable in JavaScript). Failure test case result Represents a failure of a test case. SPARQL CONSTRUCT template Encapsulates one or more SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries that can be parameterized. Parameters will become pre-bound variables in the queries. Test environment Abstract base class for test environments, holding information on how to set up a test case. true Suggestion generator Base class of objects that can generate suggestions (added or deleted triples) for a validation result of a given constraint component. true SPARQL UPDATE suggestion generator A SuggestionGenerator based on a SPARQL UPDATE query (sh:update), producing an instance of dash:GraphUpdate. The INSERTs become dash:addedTriple and the DELETEs become dash:deletedTriple. The WHERE clause operates on the data graph with the pre-bound variables $focusNode, $predicate and $value, as well as the other pre-bound variables for the parameters of the constraint. In many cases, there may be multiple possible suggestions to fix a problem. For example, with sh:maxLength there are many ways to slice a string. In those cases, the system will first iterate through the result variables from a SELECT query (sh:select) and apply these results as pre-bound variables into the UPDATE query. Suggestion Base class of suggestions that modify a graph to "fix" the source of a validation result. true Failure result A result representing a validation failure such as an unsupported recursion. read only Used as a hint for user interfaces that values of the associated property should not be editable. The values of this may be the boolean literals true or false or, more generally, a SHACL node expression that must evaluate to true or false. on all values If set to true for a ScriptConstraint or ScriptValidator, then the associated script will receive all value nodes at once, as a value of the variable values. By default (or false), the script is called for each value node individually. closed by types suggestion Can be used to link a result with one or more suggestions on how to address or improve the underlying issue. reifiable by Can be used to specify the node shape that may be applied to reified statements produced by a property shape. The property shape must have a URI resource as its sh:path. The values of this property must be node shapes. User interfaces can use this information to determine which properties to present to users when reified statements are explored or edited. Use dash:None to indicate that no reification should be permitted. single line expected result is JSON A flag to indicate that the expected result represents a JSON string. If set to true, then tests would compare JSON structures (regardless of whitespaces) instead of actual syntax. dependency predicate Can be used in dash:js node expressions to enumerate the predicates that the computation of the values may depend on. This can be used by clients to determine whether an edit requires re-computation of values on a form or elsewhere. For example, if the dash:js is something like "focusNode.firstName + focusNode.lastName" then the dependency predicates should be ex:firstName and ex:lastName. stem Specifies a string value that the IRI of the value nodes must start with. never materialize If set to true at a property shape then any sh:values and sh:defaultValue rules of this property will be ignored when 'all inferences' are computed. This is useful for property values that shall only be computed for individual focus nodes (e.g. when a user visits a resource) but not for large inference runs. API Status The class of possible values for dash:apiStatus. API status Defines how and whether the associated feature is part of an external API. APIs may be implemented as (REST) web services, via GraphQL or ADS Script APIs. abstract Indicates that a class is "abstract" and cannot be used in asserted rdf:type triples. Only non-abstract subclasses of abstract classes should be instantiated directly. cachable true If set to true then the results of the SHACL function can be cached in between invocations with the same arguments. In other words, they are stateless and do not depend on triples in any graph, or the current time stamp etc. symmetric True to declare that the associated property path is symmetric. suggestion Can be used to link a suggestion with the group identifier to which it belongs. By default this is a link to the dash:SuggestionGenerator, but in principle this could be any value. x The x position. details graph Can be used to link a SHACL property shape with a SHACL node expression that produces the URIs of one or more graphs that contain further RDF triples for the value nodes delivered by the property. This can be used to inform a processor that it should switch to another data graph when the user wants to retrieve more information about a value. The node expressions are evaluated with the focus node as input. (It is unclear whether there are also cases where the result may be different for each specific value, in which case the node expression would need a second input argument). This property should be regarded as an "annotation", i.e. it does not have any impact on validation or other built-in SHACL features. However, selected tools may want to use this information. details endpoint Can be used to link a SHACL property shape with the URL of a SPARQL endpoint that may contain further RDF triples for the value nodes delivered by the property. This can be used to inform a processor that it should switch to values from an external graph when the user wants to retrieve more information about a value. This property should be regarded as an "annotation", i.e. it does not have any impact on validation or other built-in SHACL features. However, selected tools may want to use this information. One implementation strategy would be to periodically fetch the values specified by the sh:node or sh:class shape associated with the property, using the property shapes in that shape, and add the resulting triples into the main query graph. An example value is "https://query.wikidata.org/sparql". index suggestion generator Links a sh:SPARQLConstraint or sh:JSConstraint with instances of dash:SuggestionGenerator that may be used to produce suggestions for a given validation result that was produced by the constraint. sub set of suggestion confidence An optional confidence between 0% and 100%. Suggestions with 100% confidence are strongly recommended. Can be used to sort recommended updates. height The height. expected result Test case A test case to verify that a (SHACL-based) feature works as expected. true The expected result(s) of a test case. The value range of this property is different for each kind of test cases. context-free Used to mark certain parameterizables as context-free, meaning that the outcome of a process does not depend on the currently active query graph. composite Can be used to indicate that a property/path represented by a property constraint represents a composite relationship. In a composite relationship, the life cycle of a "child" object (value of the property/path) depends on the "parent" object (focus node). If the parent gets deleted, then the child objects should be deleted, too. Tools may use dash:composite (if set to true) to implement cascading delete operations. local constraint Can be set to true for those constraint components where the validation does not require to visit any other triples than the shape definitions and the direct property values of the focus node mentioned in the property constraints. Examples of this include sh:minCount and sh:hasValue. Constraint components that are marked as such can be optimized by engines, e.g. they can be evaluated client-side at form submission time, without having to make a round-trip to a server, assuming the client has downloaded a complete snapshot of the resource. Any component marked with dash:staticConstraint is also a dash:localConstraint. default language Can be used to annotate a graph (usually the owl:Ontology) with the default language that tools should suggest for new literal values. For example, predominantly English graphs should have "en" as default language. added triple May link a dash:GraphUpdate with one or more triples (represented as instances of rdf:Statement) that should be added to fix the source of the result. property suggestion generator Links the constraint component with instances of dash:SuggestionGenerator that may be used to produce suggestions for a given validation result that was produced by a property constraint. unique value for class root class Action group A group of ResourceActions, used to arrange items in menus etc. Similar to sh:PropertyGroups, they may have a sh:order and should have labels (in multiple languages if applicable). action group Action An executable command triggered by an agent, backed by a Script implementation. Actions may get deactivated using sh:deactivated. true Links an Action with the ActionGroup that it should be arranged in. default view for role Links a node shape with the roles for which it shall be used as default view. User interfaces can use these values to select how to present a given RDF resource. The values of this property are URIs representing a group of users or agents. There is a dedicated URI dash:all representing all users. mime types For file-typed properties, this can be used to specify the expected/allowed mime types of its values. This can be used, for example, to limit file input boxes or file selectors. If multiple values are allowed then they need to be separated by commas. Example values are listed at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types/Common_types Widget Base class of user interface components that can be used to display or edit value nodes. true Editor The class of widgets for editing value nodes. true editor Can be used to link a property shape with an editor, to state a preferred editing widget in user interfaces. has value with class Specifies a constraint that at least one of the value nodes must be an instance of a given class. expected result is Turtle A flag to indicate that the expected result represents an RDF graph encoded as a Turtle file. If set to true, then tests would compare graphs instead of actual syntax. true shape States that a subject resource has a given shape. This property can, for example, be used to capture results of SHACL validation on static data. fixed Can be used to mark that certain validation results have already been fixed. Viewer The class of widgets for viewing value nodes. true viewer Can be used to link a property shape with a viewer, to state a preferred viewing widget in user interfaces. has value in Specifies a constraint that at least one of the value nodes must be a member of the given list. hidden Properties marked as hidden do not appear in user interfaces, yet remain part of the shape for other purposes such as validation and scripting or GraphQL schema generation. validate shapes Validation test case Abstract superclass for test cases concerning SHACL constraint validation. Future versions may add new kinds of validatin test cases, e.g. to validate a single resource only. true Graph validation test case A test case that performs SHACL constraint validation on the whole graph and compares the results with the expected validation results stored with the test case. By default this excludes meta-validation (i.e. the validation of the shape definitions themselves). If that's desired, set dash:validateShapes to true. True to also validate the shapes itself (i.e. parameter declarations). static constraint Can be set to true for those constraint components where the validation does not require to visit any other triples than the parameters. Examples of this include sh:datatype or sh:nodeKind, where no further triples need to be queried to determine the result. Constraint components that are marked as such can be optimized by engines, e.g. they can be evaluated client-side at form submission time, without having to make a round-trip to a server. deleted triple May link a dash:GraphUpdate result with one or more triples (represented as instances of rdf:Statement) that should be deleted to fix the source of the result. applicable to class Can be used to state that a shape is applicable to instances of a given class. This is a softer statement than "target class": a target means that all instances of the class must conform to the shape. Being applicable to simply means that the shape may apply to (some) instances of the class. This information can be used by algorithms or humans. co-exists with Specifies a property that must have a value whenever the property path has a value, and must have no value whenever the property path has no value. shape script y The y position. JavaScript source code The JavaScript source code of a Script. width The width. action icon class The (CSS) class of an Action for display purposes alongside the label. Resource action An Action that can be executed for a selected resource. Such Actions show up in context menus once they have been assigned a sh:group. true resource action Links a class with the Resource Actions that can be applied to instances of that class. All objects A reusable instance of dash:AllObjectsTarget. URI viewer A Viewer for URI resources, rendering as a hyperlink to that URI. Also includes other ways of interacting with the URI such as opening a nested summary display. true Value does not have datatype {$datatype} Values must have datatype {$datatype} true Value does have shape {$not} Value must not have shape {$not} SHACL Rules The SHACL rules entailment regime. string or langString or HTML An rdf:List that can be used in property constraints as value for sh:or to indicate that all values of a property must be either xsd:string, rdf:langString or rdf:HTML (in that order of preference). Value does not have shape {$node} Script suggestion generator A Suggestion Generator that is backed by an Active Data Shapes script. The script needs to return a JSON object or an array of JSON objects if it shall generate multiple suggestions. It may also return null to indicate that nothing was suggested. Note that the whole script is evaluated as a (JavaScript) expression, and those will use the last value as result. So simply putting an object at the end of your script should do. Alternatively, define the bulk of the operation as a function and simply call that function in the script. Each response object can have the following fields: { message: "The human readable message", // Defaults to the rdfs:label(s) of the suggestion generator add: [ // An array of triples to add, each triple as an array with three nodes [ subject, predicate, object ], [ ... ] ], delete: [ ... like add, for the triples to delete ] } Suggestions with neither added nor deleted triples will be discarded. At execution time, the script operates on the data graph as the active graph, with the following pre-bound variables: - focusNode: the NamedNode that is the sh:focusNode of the validation result - predicate: the NamedNode representing the predicate of the validation result, assuming sh:resultPath is a URI - value: the value node from the validation result's sh:value, cast into the most suitable JS object - the other pre-bound variables for the parameters of the constraint, e.g. in a sh:maxCount constraint it would be maxCount The script will be executed in read-only mode, i.e. it cannot modify the graph. Example with dash:js: ({ message: `Copy labels into ${graph.localName(predicate)}`, add: focusNode.values(rdfs.label).map(label => [ focusNode, predicate, label ] ) }) Date or date time An rdf:List that can be used in property constraints as value for sh:or to indicate that all values of a property must be either xsd:date or xsd:dateTime. LangString viewer A Viewer for literals with a language tag, rendering as the text plus a language indicator. ASK { FILTER (STRLEN(str($value)) >= $minLength) . } has min length Checks whether a given string (?value) has a length within a given minimum string length. Value has less than {$minLength} characters Value must have less than {$minLength} characters true SELECT (xsd:string($arg) AS ?result) WHERE { } arg The input value. Convert {$arg} to xsd:string to string Returns a literal with datatype xsd:string that has the input value as its string. If the input value is an (URI) resource then its URI will be used. true true true node kind The sh:NodeKind to check. Checks if a given sh:NodeKind is one that includes Literals. stable Features that have been marked stable are deemed of good quality and can be used until marked deprecated. is NodeKind Literal ASK { FILTER ($nodeKind IN ( sh:Literal, sh:BlankNodeOrLiteral, sh:IRIOrLiteral )) } ASK { BIND (lang($value) AS ?valueLang) . FILTER EXISTS { GRAPH $shapesGraph { $languageIn (rdf:rest*)/rdf:first ?lang . FILTER (langMatches(?valueLang, ?lang)) } } } is language in Language does not match any of {$languageIn} Language must match any of {$languageIn} true Sub-Class editor An editor for properties that declare a dash:rootClass. The editor allows selecting either the class itself or one of its subclasses. Image viewer A Viewer for URI values that are recognized as images by a browser, rendering as an image. Multi editor An editor for multiple/all value nodes at once. Included script The code associated with instances of this class will get injected into the generated APIs, as global code snippets. Typically used to declare libraries of utility functions or constants that are (compared to shape scripts) not necessarily associated with specific classes or shapes. Note that the JavaScript code stored in dash:js cannot use the export keyword because the code must also work in external scripts (such as on Node.js). Instead, you need to enumerate the exported symbols via dash:exports. all Represents all users/roles, for example as a possible value of the default view for role property. Service A script that gets exposed as a web service, e.g. /tbl/service/ex/MyService true Graph service A service that does not apply to a specific resource (as ResourceService does) but operates on the whole graph. The focusNode variable will be the URI of the current base graph (e.g. <urn:x-evn-master:geo> as a NamedNode. SELECT DISTINCT $this ?value ?other WHERE { { $this $PATH ?value . ?other $PATH ?value . FILTER (?other != $this) . } ?other a ?type . ?type rdfs:subClassOf* $uniqueValueForClass . } Value {?value} must be unique but is also used by {?other} unique value for class States that the values of the property must be unique for all instances of a given class (and its subclasses). severity 1 String or langString An rdf:List that can be used in property constraints as value for sh:or to indicate that all values of a property must be either xsd:string or rdf:langString. messages true Constraint reification shape Can be used to attach sh:severity and sh:messages to individual constraints using reification. Values must be unique among all instances of {?uniqueValueForClass} Unique value for class constraint component A constraint component that can be used to state that the values of a property must be unique for all instances of a given class (and its subclasses). Rich text editor A rich text editor to enter the lexical value of a literal and a drop down to select language. The selected language is stored in the HTML lang attribute of the root node in the HTML DOM tree. Multi-function A multi-function is a function that can return zero or more result objects consisting of one or more result variables. While normal (SPARQL/SHACL) functions can only return a single result node, multi-functions may not only return multiple nodes but even multiple individual variables per solution. A common way of defining multi-functions is by wrapping a SPARQL SELECT query, using dash:SPARQLMultiFunction. However, some MultiFunctions (in TopBraid) may also be implemented natively. SPARQL multi-function A multi-function based on a SPARQL SELECT query. The query gets executed with the arguments pre-bound to the variables declared as parameters. The results of the multi-function are all result bindings from the SPARQL result set. true node kind The sh:NodeKind to check. is NodeKind IRI Checks if a given sh:NodeKind is one that includes IRIs. ASK { FILTER ($nodeKind IN ( sh:IRI, sh:BlankNodeOrIRI, sh:IRIOrLiteral )) } true ASK { FILTER (STRLEN(str($value)) <= $maxLength) . } has max length Checks whether a given string (?value) has a length within a given maximum string length. Value has more than {$maxLength} characters Value must not have more than {$maxLength} characters true SELECT $this ?value WHERE { $this $PATH ?value . $this $lessThan ?otherValue . BIND (?value < ?otherValue AS ?result) . FILTER (!bound(?result) || !(?result)) . } Value is not < value of {$lessThan} true ASK { FILTER ($value > $minExclusive) } has min exclusive Checks whether a given node (?value) has value greater than (>) the provided ?minExclusive. Returns false if this cannot be determined, e.g. because values do not have comparable types. Value is not > {$minExclusive} Value must be > {$minExclusive} true SELECT DISTINCT $this ($this AS ?value) WHERE { { FILTER (?nonRecursive) } $this $PATH $this . } non-recursive 1 Used to state that a property or path must not point back to itself. For example, "a person cannot have itself as parent" can be expressed by setting dash:nonRecursive=true for a given sh:path. To express that a person cannot have itself among any of its (recursive) parents, use a sh:path with the + operator such as ex:parent+. Points back at itself (recursively) Non-recursive constraint component Used to state that a property or path must not point back to itself. Query test case A test case running a given SPARQL SELECT query and comparing its results with those stored as JSON Result Set in the expected result property. Label Properties with this role produce strings that may serve as display label for the focus nodes. Labels should be either plain string literals or strings with a language tag. The values should also be single-line. Depiction Depiction properties provide images representing the focus nodes. Typical examples may be a photo of an animal or the map of a country. Function test case A test case that verifies that a given SPARQL expression produces a given, expected result. Text area editor A multi-line text area to enter the value of a literal. Untrusted HTML viewer A Viewer for HTML content from untrusted sources. This viewer will sanitize the HTML before rendering. Any a, button, checkbox, form, hidden, input, img, script, select, style and textarea tags and class and style attributes will be removed. true Script validator A SHACL validator based on an Active Data Shapes script. See the comment at dash:ScriptConstraint for the basic evaluation approach. Note that in addition to focusNode and value/values, the script can access pre-bound variables for each declared argument of the constraint component. None A Shape that is no node can conform to. SELECT DISTINCT $this WHERE { FILTER ( # Must have a value for the primary key NOT EXISTS { ?this $PATH ?any } || # Must have no more than one value for the primary key EXISTS { ?this $PATH ?value1 . ?this $PATH ?value2 . FILTER (?value1 != ?value2) . } || # The value of the primary key must align with the derived URI EXISTS { { ?this $PATH ?value . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?this $PATH ?value2 . FILTER (?value != ?value2) } } BIND (CONCAT($uriStart, ENCODE_FOR_URI(str(?value))) AS ?uri) . FILTER (str(?this) != ?uri) . } ) } URI start 1 The start of the URIs of well-formed resources. If specified then the associated property/path serves as "primary key" for all target nodes (instances). All such target nodes need to have a URI that starts with the given string, followed by the URI-encoded value of the primary key property. Violation of primary key constraint The property {?predicate} is the primary key and URIs start with {?uriStart} Primary key constraint component Enforces a constraint that the given property (sh:path) serves as primary key for all resources in the target of the shape. If a property has been declared to be the primary key then each resource must have exactly one value for that property. Furthermore, the URIs of those resources must start with a given string (dash:uriStart), followed by the URL-encoded primary key value. For example if dash:uriStart is "http://example.org/country-" and the primary key for an instance is "de" then the URI must be "http://example.org/country-de". Finally, as a result of the URI policy, there can not be any other resource with the same value under the same primary key policy. true SELECT $this WHERE { { FILTER (EXISTS { $this $PATH ?any } && NOT EXISTS { $this $coExistsWith ?any }) } UNION { FILTER (NOT EXISTS { $this $PATH ?any } && EXISTS { $this $coExistsWith ?any }) } } co-exists with The properties that must co-exist with the surrounding property (path). If the surrounding property path has any value then the given property must also have a value, and vice versa. Property label viewer A viewer for properties that renders a hyperlink using the display label or sh:name, allowing users to either navigate to the rdf:Property resource or the property shape definition. Should be used in conjunction with PropertyAutoCompleteEditor. Property auto-complete editor An editor for properties that are either defined as instances of rdf:Property or used as IRI values of sh:path. The component uses auto-complete to find these properties by their rdfs:labels or sh:names. Values must co-exist with values of {$coExistsWith} Co-exists-with constraint component A constraint component that can be used to express a constraint on property shapes so that if the property path has any value then the given property must also have a value, and vice versa. true Script function Script functions can be used from SPARQL queries and will be injected into the generated prefix object (in JavaScript, for ADS scripts). The dash:js will be inserted into a generated JavaScript function and therefore needs to use the return keyword to produce results. These JS snippets can access the parameter values based on the local name of the sh:Parameter's path. For example ex:value can be accessed using value. SPARQL use note: Since these functions may be used from any data graph and any shapes graph, they must not rely on any API apart from what's available in the shapes graph that holds the rdf:type triple of the function itself. In other words, at execution time from SPARQL, the ADS shapes graph will be the home graph of the function's declaration. Hyperlink viewer A Viewer for literals, rendering as a hyperlink to a URL. For literals it assumes the lexical form is the URL. This is often used as default viewer for xsd:anyURI literals. Unsupported for blank nodes. More than {$qualifiedMaxCount} values have shape {$qualifiedValueShape} No more than {$qualifiedMaxCount} values can have shape {$qualifiedValueShape} URI editor An input field to enter the URI of a resource, e.g. rdfs:seeAlso links or images. Text area with lang editor A multi-line text area to enter the value of a literal and a drop down to select a language. 10 generate prefix constants Script API Generation Rules If a prefix (such as "edg") is listed here then the API generator will produce constants for class, datatype, shape and property names. 15 generate prefix classes If a prefix (such as "edg") is listed here then the API generator will produce classes for all RDFS classes or node shapes from the associated namespace. 0 generate class The API generator will produce classes for each value of this property and all its subclasses and superclasses. Script API Defines the properties that instruct the ADS Script API generator about what prefixes, constants and classes to generate. ASK { GRAPH $shapesGraph { $in (rdf:rest*)/rdf:first $value . } } is in Value is not in {$in} Value must be in {$in} true ASK { FILTER (!isBlank($value) && IF(bound($flags), regex(str($value), $pattern, $flags), regex(str($value), $pattern))) } has pattern Checks whether the string representation of a given node (?value) matches a given regular expression (?pattern). Returns false if the value is a blank node. Value does not match pattern "{$pattern}" Value must match pattern "{$pattern}" true Node expression viewer A viewer for SHACL Node Expressions. Value table viewer A viewer that renders all values of a given property as a table, with one value per row, and the columns defined by the shape that is the sh:node or sh:class of the property. ASK { $value rdfs:subClassOf* $rootClass . } has root class root class The root class. Value must be subclass of {$rootClass} Root class {$rootClass} Root class constraint component A constraint component defining the parameter dash:rootClass, which restricts the values to be either the root class itself or one of its subclasses. This is typically used in conjunction with properties that have rdfs:Class as their type. ASK { $this $subSetOf $value . } sub-set of Can be used to state that all value nodes must also be values of a specified other property at the same focus node. Must be one of the values of {$subSetOf} Sub set of constraint component A constraint component that can be used to state that the set of value nodes must be a subset of the value of a given property. true constraint or shape The sh:Constraint or sh:Shape to test. ASK { ?constraintOrShape sh:deactivated true . } is deactivated Checks whether a given shape or constraint has been marked as "deactivated" using sh:deactivated. Modify action An action typically showing up in a Modify section of a selected resource. May make changes to the data. 1 True to indicate that the focus nodes are closed by their types. A constraint violation is reported for each property value of the focus node where the property is not among those that are explicitly declared via sh:property/sh:path in any of the rdf:types of the focus node (and their superclasses). The property rdf:type is always permitted. SELECT $this (?predicate AS ?path) ?value WHERE { FILTER ($closedByTypes) . $this ?predicate ?value . FILTER (?predicate != rdf:type) . FILTER NOT EXISTS { $this rdf:type ?type . ?type rdfs:subClassOf* ?class . GRAPH $shapesGraph { ?class sh:property/sh:path ?predicate . } } } Property {?path} is not among those permitted for any of the types Closed by types constraint component A constraint component that can be used to declare that focus nodes are "closed" based on their rdf:types, meaning that focus nodes may only have values for the properties that are explicitly enumerated via sh:property/sh:path in property constraints at their rdf:types and the superclasses of those. This assumes that the type classes are also shapes. SELECT $this WHERE { FILTER NOT EXISTS { $this $PATH $hasValue } } Missing expected value {$hasValue} Value must be {$hasValue} ASK { FILTER ($value = $hasValue) } Must have value {$hasValue} true SELECT $this ?value { FILTER ($symmetric) . $this $PATH ?value . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?value $PATH $this . } } symmetric 1 If set to true then if A relates to B then B must relate to A. Symmetric value expected Symmetric constraint component A contraint component for property shapes to validate that a property is symmetric. For symmetric properties, if A relates to B then B must relate to A. SELECT $this WHERE { $this $PATH ?value . } GROUP BY $this HAVING (COUNT(DISTINCT ?value) > $maxCount) More than {$maxCount} values Must not have more than {$maxCount} values true All subjects A reusable instance of dash:AllSubjectsTarget. Auto-complete editor An auto-complete field to enter the label of instances of a class. This is the fallback editor for any URI resource if no other editors are more suitable. experimental Features that are marked experimental can be used by early adopters but there is no guarantee that they will reach stable state. Instances select editor A drop-down editor for all instances of the target class (based on sh:class of the property). Value does not have class {$class} ASK { $value rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* $class . } has class Value needs to have class {$class} Description Description properties should produce text literals that may be used as an introduction/summary of what a focus node does. SELECT DISTINCT $this ?lang WHERE { { FILTER sameTerm($uniqueLang, true) . } $this $PATH ?value . BIND (lang(?value) AS ?lang) . FILTER (bound(?lang) && ?lang != "") . FILTER EXISTS { $this $PATH ?otherValue . FILTER (?otherValue != ?value && ?lang = lang(?otherValue)) . } } Language "{?lang}" used more than once No language can be used more than once true Date picker editor An editor for xsd:date literals, offering a calendar-like date picker. HTML viewer A Viewer for HTML encoded text from rdf:HTML literals, rendering as parsed HTML DOM elements. Also displays the language if the HTML has a lang attribute on its root DOM element. Text field with lang editor A single-line input field to enter the value of a literal and a drop down to select language, which is mandatory unless xsd:string is among the permissible datatypes. ASK { FILTER ($value < $maxExclusive) } has max exclusive Checks whether a given node (?value) has a value less than (<) the provided ?maxExclusive. Returns false if this cannot be determined, e.g. because values do not have comparable types. Value is not < {$maxExclusive} Value must be < {$maxExclusive} true SELECT (COUNT(?object) AS ?result) WHERE { $subject $predicate ?object . } 0 subject The subject to get the number of objects of. 1 predicate The predicate to get the number of objects of. value count Computes the number of objects for a given subject/predicate combination. script constraint The Script constraint(s) to apply. Script constraint The class of constraints that are based on Scripts. Depending on whether dash:onAllValues is set to true, these scripts can access the following pre-assigned variables: - focusNode: the focus node of the constraint (a NamedNode) - if dash:onAllValues is not true: value: the current value node (e.g. a JavaScript string for xsd:string literals, a number for numeric literals or true or false for xsd:boolean literals. All other literals become LiteralNodes, and non-literals become instances of NamedNode) - if dash:onAllValues is true: values: an array of current value nodes, as above. If the expression returns an array then each array member will be mapped to one validation result, following the mapping rules below. For string results, a validation result will use the string as sh:resultMessage. For boolean results, a validation result will be produced if the result is false (true means no violation). For object results, a validation result will be produced using the value of the field "message" of the object as result message. If the field "value" has a value then this will become the sh:value in the violation. Unless another sh:message has been directly returned, the sh:message of the dash:ScriptConstraint will be used, similar to sh:message at SPARQL Constraints. These sh:messages can access the values {$focusNode}, {$value} etc as template variables. Script constraint component Explore action An action typically showing up in an Explore section of a selected resource. Cannot make changes to the data. ASK { FILTER (isIRI($value) && STRSTARTS(str($value), $stem)) } has stem Checks whether a given node is an IRI starting with a given stem. stem 1 If specified then every value node must be an IRI and the IRI must start with the given string value. Value does not have stem {$stem} Value needs to have stem {$stem} Stem constraint component A constraint component that can be used to verify that every value node is an IRI and the IRI starts with a given string value. true ASK { FILTER ((isIRI($value) && $nodeKind IN ( sh:IRI, sh:BlankNodeOrIRI, sh:IRIOrLiteral ) ) || (isLiteral($value) && $nodeKind IN ( sh:Literal, sh:BlankNodeOrLiteral, sh:IRIOrLiteral ) ) || (isBlank($value) && $nodeKind IN ( sh:BlankNode, sh:BlankNodeOrIRI, sh:BlankNodeOrLiteral ) )) . } has node kind Checks whether a given node (?value) has a given sh:NodeKind (?nodeKind). For example, sh:hasNodeKind(42, sh:Literal) = true. Value does not have node kind {$nodeKind} Value must have node kind {$nodeKind} true Details editor An editor for non-literal values, typically displaying a nested form where the values of the linked resource can be edited directly on the "parent" form. Implementations that do not support this (yet) could fall back to an auto-complete widget. Commit script Class of ADS scripts that are executed after edits to the data graph were made and have been committed. These scripts may access the changes that have just happened from the graphs with names dataset.addedGraphURI and dataset.deletedGraphURI to learn about which resource values have been added or deleted. For example query them using graph.withDataGraph(dataset.addedGraphURI, ...) or via SPARQL's GRAPH keyword. Commit scripts may then perform side effects such as updating other graphs or sending out notifications to external systems. For edits that should be made within a finishing change, use change scripts (dash:ChangeScript). Commit scripts are executed by their relative sh:order, with a default value of 0. Use lower values to execute before other scripts. ASK { FILTER (!$singleLine || !isLiteral($value) || (!contains(str($value), '\n') && !contains(str($value), '\r'))) } single line 1 True to state that the lexical form of literal value nodes must not contain any line breaks. False to state that line breaks are explicitly permitted. Must not contain line breaks. Single line constraint component A constraint component that can be used to declare that all values that are literals must have a lexical form that contains no line breaks ('\n' or '\r'). User interfaces may use the dash:singleLine flag to prefer a text field over a (multi-line) text area. Script test case A test case that evaluates a script. Requires exactly one value for dash:js and will operate on the test case's graph (with imports) as both data and shapes graph. Supports read-only scripts only at this stage. Fewer than {$qualifiedMinCount} values have shape {$qualifiedValueShape} No fewer than {$qualifiedMinCount} values can have shape {$qualifiedValueShape} Action test case A test case that evaluates a dash:Action using provided input parameters. Requires exactly one value for dash:action and will operate on the test case's graph (with imports) as both data and shapes graph. Currently only supports read-only actions, allowing the comparison of actual results with the expected results. Graph store test case A test case that can be used to verify that an RDF file could be loaded (from a file) and that the resulting RDF graph is equivalent to a given TTL file. Date time picker editor An editor for xsd:dateTime literals, offering a calendar-like date picker and a time selector. No suitable editor An "editor" that simply informs the user that the values cannot be edited here, but for example through source code editing. ID ID properties are short strings or other literals that identify the focus node among siblings. Examples may include social security numbers. Boolean select editor An editor for boolean literals, rendering as a select box with values true and false. Also displays the current value (such as "1"^^xsd:boolean), but only allows to switch to true or false. true Inline viewer A multi-viewer that renders all values horizontally, in a more compact form that just a single value per row. Key info The Key info role may be assigned to properties that are likely of special interest to a reader, so that they should appear whenever a summary of a focus node is shown. Resource service A Service that can (and must) be applied to a given resource as focus node. Use dash:resourceService to link a class to the services that apply to its instances. ASK { FILTER ($value <= $maxInclusive) } has max inclusive Checks whether a given node (?value) has a value less than or equal to (<=) the provided ?maxInclusive. Returns false if this cannot be determined, e.g. because values do not have comparable types. Value is not <= {$maxInclusive} Value must be <= {$maxInclusive} true SELECT DISTINCT $this ?value WHERE { { $this $PATH ?value . MINUS { $this $equals ?value . } } UNION { $this $equals ?value . MINUS { $this $PATH ?value . } } } SELECT DISTINCT $this ?value WHERE { { FILTER NOT EXISTS { $this $equals $this } BIND ($this AS ?value) . } UNION { $this $equals ?value . FILTER (?value != $this) . } } Must have same values as {$equals} true Blank node viewer A Viewer for blank nodes, rendering as the label of the blank node. Property must not share any values with {$disjoint} ASK { FILTER NOT EXISTS { $this $disjoint $value . } } true reifiable by 1 Can be used to specify the node shape that may be applied to reified statements produced by a property shape. The property shape must have a URI resource as its sh:path. The values of this property must be node shapes. User interfaces can use this information to determine which properties to present to users when reified statements are explored or edited. Also, SHACL validators can use it to determine how to validate reified triples. Use dash:None to indicate that no reification should be permitted. Reifiable by {$reifiableBy} Reifiable-by constraint component Constructor A script that is executed when a new instance of the class associated via dash:constructor is created, e.g. from a New button. Such scripts typically declare one or more parameters that are collected from the user when the script starts. The values of these parameters can be used as named variables in the script for arbitrary purposes such as setting the URI or initializing some property values of the new instance. The variable focusNode will hold the named node of the selected type, for example when a constructor is associated with a superclass but the user has pressed New for a subclass. The last expression of the script will be used as result of the constructor, so that the surrounding tool knows which resource shall be navigated to next. Change script Class of ADS scripts that are executed after edits to the data graph were made, but within the same edit. These scripts may access the current changes from the graphs with names dataset.addedGraphURI and dataset.deletedGraphURI to learn about which resource values have been added or deleted. For example query them using graph.withDataGraph(dataset.addedGraphURI, ...) or via SPARQL's GRAPH keyword. Change scripts may then perform further changes which would again become visible to other change scripts. They MUST NOT have other side effects though, because they may get executed in Preview mode, or the change may cause constraint violations and then be rejected. For side effects, after the change has been applied, use commit scripts (dash:CommitScript). Change scripts are executed by their relative sh:order, with a default value of 0. Use lower values to execute before other scripts. SELECT $this (?predicate AS ?path) ?value WHERE { { FILTER ($closed) . } $this ?predicate ?value . FILTER (NOT EXISTS { GRAPH $shapesGraph { $currentShape sh:property/sh:path ?predicate . } } && (!bound($ignoredProperties) || NOT EXISTS { GRAPH $shapesGraph { $ignoredProperties rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?predicate . } })) } Predicate {?path} is not allowed (closed shape) Closed shape: only the enumerated properties can be used true Enum select editor A drop-down editor for enumerated values (typically based on sh:in lists). SELECT DISTINCT $this ?value WHERE { $this $PATH ?value . $this $lessThanOrEquals ?otherValue . BIND (?value <= ?otherValue AS ?result) . FILTER (!bound(?result) || !(?result)) . } Value is not <= value of {$lessThanOrEquals} true HTML or string or langString An rdf:List that can be used in property constraints as value for sh:or to indicate that all values of a property must be either rdf:HTML, xsd:string or rdf:langString (in that order of preference). true Inferencing test case A test case to verify whether an inferencing engine is producing identical results to those stored as expected results. SELECT DISTINCT ?this WHERE { ?this $predicate $object . } predicate The predicate property. object The value that is expected to be present. All subjects where {$predicate} has value {$object} true Has Value target A target type for all subjects where a given predicate has a certain object value. Checks if a given sh:NodeKind is one that includes BlankNodes. true ASK { FILTER ($nodeKind IN ( sh:BlankNode, sh:BlankNodeOrIRI, sh:BlankNodeOrLiteral )) } is NodeKind BlankNode node kind The sh:NodeKind to check. true Icon Icon properties produce images that are typically small and almost square-shaped, and that may be displayed in the upper left corner of a focus node's display. Values should be xsd:string or xsd:anyURI literals or IRI nodes pointing at URLs. Those URLs should ideally be vector graphics such as .svg files. Instances of the same class often have the same icon, and this icon may be computed using a sh:values rule or as sh:defaultValue. If the value is a relative URL then those should be resolved against the server that delivered the surrounding page. Text field editor A simple input field to enter the value of a literal, without the ability to change language or datatype. This is the fallback editor for any literal if no other editors are more suitable. SELECT $this WHERE { OPTIONAL { $this $PATH ?value . } } GROUP BY $this HAVING (COUNT(DISTINCT ?value) < $minCount) Fewer than {$minCount} values Must have at least {$minCount} values true indexed 1 True to activate indexing for this property. Indexed constraint component A constraint component that can be used to mark property shapes to be indexed, meaning that each of its value nodes must carry a dash:index from 0 to N. JSON table viewer A tabular viewer for rdf:JSON literals with a lexical form in the following format: { vars: [ 'col1', 'col2' ], // These are the column keys headerLabels: [ 'Column 1', 'Column 2' ], // Optional, for the column headers bindings: [ // These become the rows { col1: { lex: 'Value2', datatype: '...#string', }, col2: { uri: 'http://.../Instance', label: 'Example Instance', }, }, ... ], } The resulting table will use the headerLabels (if they exist) as column headers, otherwise derive the headers from the variable names. The vars must match the fields in the bindings. The table will contain one row for each binding. Using Active Data Shapes, you can construct such literals dynamically using a sh:values rule, e.g. ex:MyClass-myProperty a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:path ex:myProperty ; sh:values [ dash:js """ DataViewers.createTableViewerJSON(focusNode.select(` SELECT ?col1 ?col2 WHERE { $this ex:prop1 ?col1 . $this ex:prop2 ?col2 . } `))""" ] . You may also produce the JSON literal programmatically in JavaScript, or assert the triples by other means. deprecated Features that have been marked deprecated will remain in the API but should no longer be used by new code and may get deleted in the foreseeable future (e.g., with the next major release). true SELECT ?result WHERE { BIND (xsd:anyURI(REPLACE(?template, "\\{[a-zA-Z]+\\}", $value)) AS ?result) } Inserts a given value into a given URI template, producing a new xsd:anyURI literal. In the future this should support RFC 6570 but for now it is limited to simple {...} patterns. 0 template The URI template, e.g. "http://example.org/{symbol}". URI template 1 value The literal value to insert into the template. Will use the URI-encoded string of the lexical form (for now). true SELECT $this WHERE { FILTER NOT EXISTS { $this $PATH ?value . ?value a ?type . ?type rdfs:subClassOf* $hasValueWithClass . } } has value with class One of the values of the property path must be an instance of the given class. At least one of the values must be an instance of class {$hasValueWithClass} Has value with class constraint component A constraint component that can be used to express a constraint on property shapes so that one of the values of the property path must be an instance of a given class. 1 superclass The (potential) superclass. subclass The (potential) subclass. ASK { $subclass rdfs:subClassOf* $superclass . } is subclass of Returns true if a given class (first argument) is a subclass of a given other class (second argument), or identical to that class. This is equivalent to an rdfs:subClassOf* check. Literal viewer A simple viewer for literals, rendering the lexical form of the value. SELECT $this WHERE { FILTER NOT EXISTS { $this $PATH ?value . GRAPH $shapesGraph { $hasValueIn rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?value . } } } 0 0 1 1 1 1 List node shape Defines constraints on what it means for a node to be a node within a well-formed RDF list. Note that this does not check whether the rdf:rest items are also well-formed lists as this would lead to unsupported recursion. Each list member (including this node) must be have the shape dash:ListNodeShape. true List shape Defines constraints on what it means for a node to be a well-formed RDF list. The focus node must either be rdf:nil or not recursive. Furthermore, this shape uses dash:ListNodeShape as a "helper" to walk through all members of the whole list (including itself). has value in At least one of the value nodes must be a member of the given list. At least one of the values must be in {$hasValueIn} Has value in constraint component A constraint component that can be used to express a constraint on property shapes so that one of the values of the property path must be a member of a given list of nodes. ASK { FILTER ($value >= $minInclusive) } has min inclusive Checks whether a given node (?value) has value greater than or equal to (>=) the provided ?minInclusive. Returns false if this cannot be determined, e.g. because values do not have comparable types. Value is not >= {$minInclusive} Value must be >= {$minInclusive} true Label viewer A Viewer for URI resources, rendering as a hyperlink to that URI based on the display label of the resource. Also includes other ways of interacting with the URI such as opening a nested summary display. Parameter constraint component A constraint component that can be used to verify that all value nodes conform to the given Parameter. Details viewer A Viewer for resources that shows the details of the value using its default view shape as a nested form-like display. Shape class A class that is also a node shape. This class can be used as rdf:type instead of the combination of rdfs:Class and sh:NodeShape. true Multi viewer A viewer for multiple/all values at once. Single editor An editor for individual value nodes. Property role The class of roles that a property (shape) may take for its focus nodes. SELECT DISTINCT ?this WHERE { ?anyS ?anyP ?this . } All objects All objects target A target containing all objects in the data graph as focus nodes. Single viewer A viewer for a single value. SELECT DISTINCT ?this WHERE { ?this ?anyP ?anyO . } All subjects All subjects target A target containing all subjects in the data graph as focus nodes.