DarwinCore Area Ontology DarwinCore Area Ontology dwc_area http://lod.taxonconcept.org/ontology/dwc_area.owl# 2011-07-30 2012-05-25 This is a preliminary ontology that may or may not move into a version of the DarwinCore vocabulary. It has been created for testing purposes and should be considered unstable. Version 0.81 added hasCitation and cleaned up the ontology description to better match Mondeca best practices 0.8 areaWithInFeature This is used to connect geo areas to geoname features featureContainsArea This is used to link a geonames feature to a geo area. For example geo:44.86528100,-87.23147800;u=10 radius The radius in meters from a particular latitude, longitude point from within which a thing was observed or collected. Area