Ratio4TA (interlinked justifications for triple assertions) is a lightweight vocabulary for encoding justifications using named graphs. Represents an asserted triple that is inferred from the other triples. Inferred Assertion Graph An RDF graph (with intensional semantics). Represents an asserted triple. Assertion Justification Represents a justification. Represents an inference rule that has been enforced to infer a triple. How rules will be encoded are not restricted to a particular encoding on purpose to accommodate different kinds of rule based systems distributed across the Web. Inference Rule Direct Assertion Represents a directly asserted triple that represents a ground facts. A property that relates an inferred assertion with a rule that has been enforced to infer the triple. inferred by rule A property that links a justification to the justifications for the assertions of the triples from which the inferred tripl of the linking justification has been derived. antecedent justifies A property that expresses the relation that a justification justifies the assertion of a triple.