The Muninn Religion Ontology The Muninn Religion Ontology is meants to deal with both the religious belief and backgrounds of soldiers. At this time is records religious labeling but provides only basic taxonomy information. The Muninn Religion Ontology The Muninn Religion Ontology is meants to deal with both the religious belief and backgrounds of soldiers. At this time is records religious labeling but provides only basic taxonomy information. 0.1 Religion Religion Religion A religious order, faith, sect. Catholicism Katholizismus Catholicisme Roman Catholic Römisch-katholische Catholique Romaine Church of England Kirche von England Église d'Angleterre Presbyterianism Presbyterianismus Presbytérianisme Methodism Methodistische Kirchen Méthodisme Congregational Church Kongregationalismus Congrégationalisme Baptist Baptisten Baptisme Judaism Judentum Judaïsme Protestant Protestantismus Protestantisme Wesleyanism Wesleyan Wesleyanisme Islamism Islamismus Islamisme Hinduism Hinduismus Hindouisme