Curriculum vitae CV Curriculum vitae Currículum vitae Curriculum vitæ Currículum vitae Curriculum vitæ CV Currículum vitae Curriculum vitae Résumé Currículo Currículum vitae CV Currículum Curriculum vitae CV CV Currículum Currículo A document used and created by a person to present their background, skills and accomplishments. Resume Currículum vitae CV Currículum vitae Curriculum vitae Currículo Currículum vitae CV Curriculum vitae Curriculum vitae Curriculum vitae Dominis científics Áreas científicas Dominis científics Domaines scientifiques Domaines scientifiques Áreas científicas This ASIO vertical module organizes hierarchically the scientific domains related to research projects as established by Spain's Agencia Estatal de Investigación, depending from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Scientific domains Scientific domains Dominis científics Dominis científics Áreas científicas Áreas científicas addresses publication date publication citations a property to link a given publication to the number of citations. utilizes Unibertsitate University A centre at which higher education and research is conducted. Universidade Universidade Universitat Universitat Université Unibertsitate University Universidade Universitat Universidade Universitat Université patent expiration date funds A code is assigned to a concept. code of Publicació científica Publicació científica Publication scientifique Publication scientifique Publicació científica Publicació científica Scientific publication Publicación científica Publicación científica Publicação científica Publicação científica Scientific publication Grupo de investigación Grupo de investigação Group de recherche Research group Grup de recerca Grup d'investigació A group of researchers often from the same centre, specialised on the same subject, working together on the issue or topic. Grupo de investigación Grupo de investigação Group de recherche Research group Grup de recerca Grup d'investigació The end date of the project. fecha final proyecto project end date Corporate spin-off Empresa spin-off Société scindée A division of a company or an organization that becomes an independent business with assets, employees, intellectual property, technology, or existing products taken from the parent company. Empresa derivada Empresa derivada Empresa derivada Spin-off enpresa Corporate spin-off Société scindée Empresa spin-off Empresa derivada Empresa derivada Empresa derivada Spin-off enpresa authors required for is member of Empresa Una organització amb personalitat jurídica, la qual disposa dels mitjans necessaris per a la producció i es dedica a combinar-los per obtenir béns o serveis destinats a l'intercanvi. Empresa Company Entreprise Empresa Empresa Empresa Uma organização com personalidade jurídica, a qual dispõe dos médios necessários para a produção e obtenção de bens ou serviços destinados ao intercâmbio. A corporation or business organization which makes goods (in a broad sense) in an organized manner and sells them to the public for profit. Empresa Una organización con personalidad jurídica que dispone de los medios necesarios para la producción y se dedica a combinarlos para obtener bienes o servicios destinados al intercambio. Empresa Company Entreprise Empresa Empresa Empresa National project National project Projecte nacional Projecte nacional Projeto nacional Projecte nacional Proyecto nacional Projecte nacional Projeto nacional A project developed and funded at the national level. Proyecto nacional Projet national Projet national Contrat Contract Contrato Contrato Contracte Contrato Contracte Contrat Contract Contrato Contrato Contracte Contrato Contracte cites a property to indicate that a document cites another one. Universal Porduct Code has UPC co-advises A person co-advises an academic publication (bachelor thesis, master thesis or doctoral thesis). International project Projecte internacional Projet international Proyecto internacional Projeto internacional A consortium project integrated by partners from diverse countries beyond the scope of the European Union. A reference law that establishes a position. reference law Contrat de travail Contracte de treball Contracte de treball Contrat de travail Employment contract Employment contract Contracte de treball Contracte de treball Contrato de trabalho Contrato de trabajo Contrato de trabalho Contrato de trabajo Event An arbitrary classification of a space/time region, by a cognitive agent. An event may have actively participating agents, passive factors, products, and a location in space/time. profiles This property relates people and the featured profiles. Maîtrise universitaire Màster universitari Màster universitari Maîtrise universitaire Máster universitario Maîtrise universitaire Magister Scientiae Maîtrise universitaire Máster universitario Master's degree Mestrado Mestrado Maîtrise universitaire Màster universitari Màster universitari Mestrado universitario Mestratge universitari Maîtrise universitaire Máster universitario Maîtrise universitaire Magister Scientiae Maîtrise universitaire Mestratge universitari Máster universitario Master's degree Mestrado Mestrado A generic class which may include a conference series, a course section, a seminar series, or a workshop series. When possible, use one of these more specific classes. Event series patent inventor Thèse Any kind of thesis (bachelor's, master's, PhD) produced to receive some sort of university degree. Tesi Tesi Tesi Thesis Tese Tese Tesis Thèse Tesi Tesi Tesi Thesis Tese Tese Tesis is co-authored by Funding programme A programme of related funded projects, typically established by a funding organization. Dissertação de mestrado Treball de fi de màster Tesis de maestría Treball de fi de mestratge Dissertação de mestrado Trabajo de fin de master Mémoire de maîtrise TFM Mémoire de maîtrise Dissertação de mestrado MALa A thesis reporting a research project undertaken as part of a second-cycle course of education to receive a master's degree. Traballo de fin de máster Tese de mestrado TFM Treball de fi de master TFM Master's thesis Treball de fi de master Trabajo de fin de máster Tesis de maestría Mémoire de maîtrise Tesis de maestría Treball de fi de mestratge Master's thesis Trabajo de fin de máster Treball de fi de màster Tesis de maestría Tesis de maestría Tesis de maestría Tesis de maestría Dissertação de mestrado Treball de fi de màster Traballo de fin de mestrado Master Amaierako Lana Treball de fi de màster Mémoire de maîtrise Tese de mestrado Traballo de fin de máster TFM Tesis de maestría Grade universitaire Grade universitaire Grade universitaire Grau acadèmic Unibertsitate-gradu Grau acadêmico Grau acadèmic Academic degree Grao académico Grau académico Título académico Grade universitaire Grade universitaire A qualification awarded to students upon successful completion of a course of study in higher education. Grade universitaire Grade universitaire Grade universitaire Grau acadèmic Unibertsitate-gradu Grau acadêmico Grau académico Academic degree Grau acadèmic Grao académico Título académico Grade universitaire Grade universitaire Catedrático de universidad Catedràtic d'universitat Catedrático de universidade Catedráticu d'universidá A key word of the project. project keyword palabra clave Contrato de servicio Contrato de servicio Contrat de service Contrato de serviço Contrato de serviço Service contract Service contract Contracte de servei Contracte de servei Contrat de service Objet de recherche Research object Research object Objecte de recerca Objecte de recerca Objeto de investigación Objeto de investigação Objeto de investigación Objeto de investigação Objecte de recerca Objecte de recerca A research object aggregates a number of resources. A resource can be a workflow, web service, document, data item, data set, workflow run, software or a research object. Objet de recherche Publicação Publication Publicación Publication Publicación Publicació Publicació Publicação Publication Publicación Publicación Content made available to the general public. In the case of ASIO, often scientific or academic contents published. Publication Publicació Publicació PAS funcionario PAS funcionario PAS funcionariu PAS funcionari Division d'université Divisió d'universitat Divisió d'universitat División de universidad Divisão de universidade University division División de universidade A division within a university (school, faculty, etc.) Livro Book Libro Libro Llibre Livre Livre Llibre Llibre Livro Book has ISBN10 International Standard Book Number (ISBN) 13 International Standard Serial Number has ISSN published by Grado An undergraduate academic degree awarded by colleges and universities upon completion of a course of study lasting three to four years (depending on institution and academic discipline). Licenciatura (pós-Bologna) Gradu Bachelor's degree Títol de grau Títol de bàtxelor Bàtxelor Título de grado Grau Grau Grao Licenciatura (pós-Bologna) Títol de grau Bachelor's degree Títol de bàtxelor Título de grado co-advised by An academic publication (bachelor thesis, master thesis or doctoral thesis) is co-advised by an advisor. A property to express the i10-index of an author. i10-index Projecte regional Projecte regional Projecte regional Regional project Regional project A project developed and funded at the regional level. Projet régional Projet régional Proyecto regional Proyecto regional Projeto regional Projeto regional Projecte regional País Pays Country País Herrialde A region legally identified as a distinct entity in political geography. País País País Pays Country País Herrialde País País País Doctorat Doctorat Doctorado Doctorat Doctoral degree Doctorat Doktorego Doktoretza Doctorat Doctorat Doutoramento Doutoramento Doutoramento Doctorat Doctorat Doctorado Doctorate Doctorat Doktorego Doctoral degree Doctorat Doctorat Doctorat Doutoramento This property relates roles and their requisites, i.e. other roles. requires Trabayu de fin de grau TFB Honor's thesis TFG Honour's thesis Bachelor's thesis Treball fi de grau TFG Trabayu de fin de grau GALa Trabajo de fin de grado TFG Traballo de fin de grao Honour's thesis Gradu Amaierako Lana Treball de fi de carrera A thesis reporting a research project undertaken as part of an undergraduate course of education to receive a bachelor's degree. TFG Trabajo de fin de grado Mémoire de fin de licence Traballo de fin de carreira Treball de fi de grau Mémoire de fin de licence Bachelor's thesis Treball fi de bàtxelor Treball de fi de bàtxelor Trabajo de fin de carrera Research contribution Research field Segell de qualitat Sello de calidad Segell de qualitat Sello de calidad Selo de qualidade Label qualité Label qualité Selo de qualidade Seal of quality A graphic mark indicating highest levels of quality in research, often measured in terms of relevant publications related to the researching activity. Seal of quality Segell de qualitat Segell de qualitat yields Report A document describing an account or statement describing in detail an event, situation, or the like, usually as the result of observation, inquiry, etc. was derived from A derivation is a transformation of an entity into another, an update of an entity resulting in a new one, or the construction of a new entity based on a pre-existing entity. A financial plan for a defined period that may also include planned sales volumes and revenues, resource quantities, costs and expenses, assets, liabilities and cash flows. Aurrekontu Presupuesto Orçamento Presupuesto Budget Orzamento Pressupost Pressupost Budget Aurrekontu Orçamento Presupuesto Budget Orzamento Budget Pressupost Pressupost company founder Technical report Technical report A book integrated by a compilation of documents published from an event, such as a conference. Proceedings Administrative entities Entitats administratives Entitats administratives Entités administratives Entités administratives Entitats administratives Entidades administrativas Entidades administrativas Entidades administrativas Entitats administratives This vertical module in ASIO models all the relevant administrative bodies ("Administración Autonómica") of Spain's Autonomous Communities (conserjerías, departamentos, secretarías) that might have a role (funding, participating) within the development of a given project. It is modeled hierarchically through the relevant administrative levels thereof. Administrative entities Entidades administrativas project start date The start date of the project. fecha inicio proyecto is competitive Proyecto europeo Projet européen European project Projecte europeu Projecte europeu Projecte europeu A project developed and funded at the European level. Projecte europeu Projeto europeu Proyecto europeo European project Projeto europeu Projet européen International Standard Book Number (ISBN) 10 has ISBN13 date of patent Entidades geopolíticas Entités géopolitiques Geopolitical entities This vertical module in ASIO models all the geopolitical/administrative levels (from municipalities, to provinces, regions, countries and European-level entities) that might have a role in the ontological architecture of the project. It is modeled hierarchically though relevant administrative levels potentially funding projects. In the Asio project the proof of concept is carried out with the whole administrative levels of Spain, Portugal, Andorra and France, in addition to the relevant European administrative entities. Entidades geopolíticas Entitats geopolítiques Entitats geopolítiques has research line a property linking organizations or groups with scientific domains Conference A meeting for consultation or discussion. [Source:] is funded by Publicação acadêmica Publication académique Publicació acadèmica Academic publication Publicación académica Publicació acadèmica Publicación académica Publicação acadêmica Publicació acadèmica Publication académique Academic publication Publicación académica Publicació acadèmica Publicación académica Emilio Rubiera Azcona José Emilio Labra Gayo An ontology to address the Research Management of the CRUE's Spanish University System (Sistema Universitario Español) by applying an encompassing model not only capable of addressing the universities of the CRUE but also more belonging to the European Union. 0.0.1 The ASIO ontology Alejandro González Hevia project status An establishment founded for doing research. Centro de investigação Centre de recerca Centre de recherche Research institute Centre d'investigació Centro de investigación Centro de investigação Centre de recerca Centre de recherche Research institute Centre d'investigació Centro de investigación Patent Patent Patente Patente Patente Patent Patente A form of intellectual property that gives its owner the legal right to exclude others from making, using, selling and importing an invention for a limited period of years, in exchange for publishing an enabling public disclosure of the invention. Patent Patent Patent Patent Patente Patente Patente Patente has seal of quality A person is the main researcher in a given project. main researcher participant has research contribution Catalog A list of items in a collection; an ordered compilation of item descriptions and sufficient information to afford access to them. Entité financière Entité financière Ens financera Ens financera Financial entity Ens financera Ente financeiro Financial entity Ente financiero Ens financera Ente financiero Ente financeiro Research material Research material Spain's university staffing Spain's university staffing This ASIO vertical module defines Spain's University staffing model encompassing all its specificities. Pequena e média empresa Petite ou moyenne entreprise Small and medium-sized enterprise Pequeña y mediana empresa Petita i mitjana empresa Petita i mitjana empresa A company whose personnel numbers fall below certain limits. Pequena e média empresa Pequeña y mediana empresa Small and medium-sized enterprise Petita i mitjana empresa Petite ou moyenne entreprise Petita i mitjana empresa researches in student A person studies or studied in a university. Conference poster The digital file (or physical equivalent), if available after the conference, vs. the act of attending/presenting. patent primary examiner A product as outcome of a project. Product has DOI h-index A property to express the h-index of an author. coordinated by inverse property of 'project coordinator' A condition/status/position that can be predicated of a person. In the ASIO core ontology, roles are reified as first order individuals and relations between roles and players are expressed by means of the asio:plays property. The ASIO core ontology does not impose any subclassification of roles. The concept is open to be refined according to domain or application requirements. Papel Papell Role Papel has ORCID Internal project Funding organization país country This property indicates the nationality of a resource. The domain is not set so unpredicted resources within the ontology could be attached to countries. plays This property relates roles and their players, who can be any foaf:Agent (a person, a group, etc.) an organisation (i.e. university) is associated with another organsiation (i.e. research institute). associated with member Unfunded patent assistant examiner Article Article Terminated The PubMed ID (PMID) identifies a citation record (rather than full-text) in the PubMed database. It is not evidence of compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy, because it does not identify a full-text submission of any kind. has PubMed ID project ID A person is granted with a stipend for researching. is granted with patent status objetivo de proyecto project objective A defined objective of the project. geodivision A property to link a resource to a predefined geographical (or geopolitical) division. has research field Project budget Pressupost de projecte Orçamento de projeto Orçamento de projeto Budget de projet Budget de projet Pressupost de projecte Presupuesto de proyecto Project budget The budget established or devoted to a project. Pressupost de projecte Pressupost de projecte Presupuesto de proyecto emplea employs project coordinator A property to link an agent (person or organisation) with a project in the role of coordinator. at context This property enables to relate a profile with a given context (geographical, temporal, spatial, social, etc.). Funded Tese de doutoramento Doktorego tesi Doktore tesi Tesi doctoral Tesis doctoral Tesi doctoral Doctoral thesis Tese doctoral Thèse doctorale Tesis doctoral A thesis reporting a research project undertaken as part of an undergraduate course of education to receive a doctoral degree. Tese de doutoramento Tese de doutoramento Tesi doctoral Tesi doctoral Doctoral thesis Tese doctoral Thèse doctorale capital A property to indicate that a place is the official seat of government in a political entity. Funding agency Recorded audio in any format. Audio document awards An object property linking an agent to something the agent awards, for example linking a funding agency to a grant, a university to a degree, or an organization to a prize. [source: cerif/frapo] Workshop A seminar, discussion group, or the like, that emphasizes zxchange of ideas and the demonstration and application of techniques, skills, etc. [Source:] participant Collected document A document consisting of collections of previously published works. a proerty to link a person to a publication as a reviewer. reviews This property encodes the participation relation between profiles and the communities they are member of. participates A class to represent a qualified value as used in Wikibase. Qualified value has Code A concept can be asigned a code. Peer-reviewed article a property to link a project to any outcome obtained within its endeavour, including publications, patents, products, prototypes, etc. The domain of this property is obviously the class foaf:Project but the range is left open so to encompass unforeseen project outcomes. project outcome In ASIO, a temporary research endeavor undertaken to achieve defined objectives. is advised by advises Profile A profile represents a particular person playing a given role. In the specialised literature it is also known as a "qua-individual". The ASIO core ontology extends the meaning of profile to capture "person-as-role", "person-at-context" and "person-in-community". Perfil Perfil has Researcher ID Signed Cancelled Research problem Research problem A role is personalized by means of a profile, which wrap the role in the identity of the person behind the profile. personalizes publishes patent country Research method Research method Catedráticu d'escuela universitaria Catedrático de escuela universitaria Catedrático de escola universitaria Catedràtic d'escola universitària A qualitative descriptive research study of individuals or a group. Case study Handbook Manual Manual A book of instructions or guide to a specific topic. Context Contexto Context Contexto Contexts are similar to situations or state of affairs providing interpretation coordinates for profiles. In the most simple case, these coordinates are just geographical/spatial or temporal coordinates. The ASIO core ontology does not impose a fixed definition of context. It is deliberately wide in order to enable third-parties the adequation of the meaning of context according to their modeling needs and requirements. qualified valuation A given value linked to a given date (point in time) within a qualified value. co-authors Closed spins of from Prototype A product prototype PAS laboral PAS laboral Audiovisual recording in any format Audio-visual document is authored by Profesor titular d'universidá Profesor titular de universidade Profesor titular de universidad Professor titular d'universitat This property allows to specify which is the user profile that is active, given a interaction between two applications. is active author citations A property to link the number of citations to a given author. has PubMed Central ID A PMCID is a unique PubMed Central reference number, which is assigned to each full-text record made available A PMCID is a unique PubMed Central reference number, which is assigned to each full-text record made available in PubMed Central. The PMCID is issued shortly after the PI or author approves the PubMed Central formatted web version of the submission. Accepted is awarded by has CV patent assignee An abstract that is published as a standalone document or in a journal of abstracts. Abstract Rejected Edited publication has scientific domain qualified date A given date (point in time) linked to a given value within a qualified value. Research result Research result project acronym This property allows to express hierarchies of roles, through of role specialization: if role A specializes role B, and B specializes C, then role A specializes role C. specializes Event organiser A role of organising cientific events, such as conferences, workshops, etc. Grant A financial award provided by a funding organisation for a particular project or purpose, usually awarded on the basis of a competitive application. awarded with has TRL A prototype has a given technology readiness level has patent