Which was the patient's COMORBIDITY INDEX (CIRS-CI) at a certain time?
Which is the description of a biological system?
Which was the patient's ILLNESS SEVERITY SCORE (CIRS-IS) at a certain time?
Which are the possible ratings in the CUMULATIVE ILLNESS RATING SCALE (C.I.R.S.)?
Which was the illness rating according to CUMULATIVE ILLNESS RATING SCALE (C.I.R.S.) for a biological system at a certain time?
Which is the name of a rating in the CUMULATIVE ILLNESS RATING SCALE (C.I.R.S.)?
To represent the results of the Cumulutave Illness Rating Scale (CIRS).
Biological system assessment
The action of assessing the illness rating of the biological system of a patient.
CIRS Assessment
The action of assessing the CIRS for a patient.
Biological system
A complex network of biologically relevant entities (e.g. respiratory system, vascular system).
CIRS rating
The ratings of the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS)
Illness severity score (CIRS-IS)
The mean of all single biological system assessment (excluded the psychiatric one) of a CIRS evalutation.
Comorbidity index (CIRS-CI)
The number of biological system with a score of 3 or greater (excluded the psychiatric one).
assesses biological system
It is used to associate a Biological System Assessment with the assess Biological System.
has rating