The aim of the tagging ontology is to represent a tagging action, i.e the action performed by an agent that attaches a label or something with a well-defined semantics (eg. a concept or a frame etc.) to some entity.
<b>Example of Usage</b>
We provide an example of usage of the Tagging ontology for specifying the following scenario.
<b>Scenario</b> annotating a picture about the birthday of his patient John.
This picture was takes at John's 51st birthday on January 20 1971.
@prefix time: <>
@prefix event: <>
@prefix spatial: <>
@prefix media: <>
:January_20_1971 a time:TemporalEntity .
:John_51st_birthday a event:Event ;
spatial:hasPlace :Piper_Club ;
time:atTime :January_20_1971 .
:John_picture a media:Image .
:Piper_Club a spatial:SpatialThing .
:tag_John_51st_birthday a tagging:Tag .
:tagging_John_51st_birthday a tagging:Tagging ;
tagging:forEntity :John_51st_birthday, :John_picture;
tagging:usingTag :tag_John_51st_birthday .
Tagging Ontology
Which is the entity associated to a certain tag?
Which is the tag associated with a certain photo or events?
Who has given a tag to a certain entity?
To represent a tagging action, i.e. the action performed by an agent that attaches a label or something with a well-defined semantics (eg. a concept or a frame etc.) to some entity.
It is used to connect the Person with the Media s/he appears in.
appears in
It associates the Tagging action with the tagged Entity.
for entity
has tagged portion
tagged person
A small picture of a Person
It associates the Tagging action with the Tag.
using tag
The height (in pixels) of the tagged portion rectangle.
It encodes the label of a Tag.
The distance (in pixels) between the top left hand side corner of the tagged portion and the left hand side of the picture.
The distance (in pixels) between the top left hand side corner of the tagged portion and the top side of the picture.
The width (in pixels) of the tagged portion rectangle.
The action of Tagging a certain Image
Image tagging
A label, an individual with a well defined semantics (e.g. a Frame) or a named graph attached to someone or to something for the purpose of identification or to give other information.
The portion of a certain Image tagged with a certain Tag.
Tagged Portion
This class represents the tagging relation. It includes, a tag, a (tagged) Thing, an agent (i.e. the tagger). The tag can come from a folksonomy, a thesaurus or any other sources with a well-defined sematic.