Dorothea Tsatsou LUMO serves as the reference KB for knowledge-based personalisation systems. It models semantics regarding content description, user profiling and logic-based inference/recommendation within the networked media domain. The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) - Information Technologies Institute (ITI) Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (version 3.0) Linked User Model Ontology (LUMO) Previously titled "LinkedTV User Model Ontology (LUMO)" (versions 1.0-2.0). This ontology was initially developed within the LinkedTV ( FP7 ICT EU project: versions 1.0 - 2.0. It was further extended under the H2020 IA project Hyper360 ( versions 3.0 - 4.0. v3.0 v4.0 #Actor Actor #Actor Actress #Age_group To be assigned members of statistical age groups such as 25-35, >55 etc #American_Football American Football #American_Football Rugby #Antiques To add extensive antiques categorization #Art General #Athletic_clothing Athletic_apparel #Athletic_clothing Athletic_clothes #Athletic_clothing Athletic_wear #Athletic_clothing Sportswear #Autumn Autumn #Autumn Fall #BARF Biologically Appopriate Raw Food #Billiard Billiard #Billiard Pool #Car Automobile #Culture General #Edifice Building #Edifice Edifice #Entertainment General #Government_officers Government_official #Hobby Hobby #Infant Baby #Infant Infant #Internet Internet #Internet Web #Internet World_Wide_Web #Literary_techniques Literary_techniques #Literary_techniques Literature_forms #Monarch King #Monarch Queen #Movie_producer Film_producer #Non-governmental_organization NGO #Painting The art of painting #Parliament_body Legislature #Periodical Work published in periodicals or literature magazines #Periodical Magazine #Personal_computer PC #Personal_computer Personal_computer #Religious_art Sacred_art #Soccer Football #Soccer Soccer #Soccer_player Football_player #Soccer_player Footballer #Sports_Club Sports_Club #Sports_Club Sports_team #Stadium Arena #Stadium Stadium #TV_set TV #TV_set TV_set #TV_set Television #Theater The art of theatre #Town_hall City_hall #Train Locomotive #Train Train #Wage Salary #Wage Wage #Web_page Website